Code of Submission

The Korean Society of Marine Engineering’s Regulations on Manuscript Submission

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 (Submission and Author Eligibility)

  1. ① Manuscript submitter and co-authors shall be members of the Korean Society of Marine Engineering (hereafter referred to as the “Society”). However, exceptions will be made if approved by the Society.
  2. ② In order to be an author, all four criteria must be met, and all researchers who have met the four criteria must be stated as an author.
    1. 1. A person who has made a significant contribution to the subject or design of a study, to the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of research
    2. 2. A person who drafts or critically modifies important academic content
    3. 3. A person who finally approved the version to be published.
    4. 4. A person who agrees to be responsible for all aspects of the study so that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the study can be properly reviewed and resolved.
  3. ③ An author should be responsible for the research that the author has conducted and identify which parts of the study are responsible. In addition, the author should be confident of the integrity of the research on the contribution of the co-authors. (amended 2020. 3. 20)

Article 2 (Indication of the Author's Affiliation)

  1. The affiliation of the authors’ shall be indicated as the affiliation at the time of conducting the research, such as experimenting and writing the manuscript <adopted October 15. 2021>

Article 3 (Types and Contents of Submitted Manuscript)

  1. ① Submitted Manuscript shall be classified into Original Manuscript, Review Manuscript, Brief Communication(within 4 pages) regarding contents.
  2. ② As results of original research on theories and applications relating to thermal engineering linked with shipbuilding and marine equipment and related industries, power and mechanical engineering, materials and process engineering, fluid engineering, control and instrumentation engineering, electrical and electronic information and communication engineering, marine disaster prevention technology and marine safety, and other marine subject areas (maritime training and domestic and international standards), a submitted manuscript shall be one that has not been previously submitted to domestic or international journals or has not been published.

Chapter 2 Manuscript Submission

Article 4 Submission and Receipt of Manuscript

  1. ① The corresponding author shall submit after checking whether the manuscript has been drafted together with the author's checklist in Appendix 1.
  2. ② The corresponding author shall complete an ethics compliance pledge and author checklist and submit them to the Society with his/her signature.
  3. ③ The Editor-in-Chief shall review the submitted ethics compliance pledge and author's checklist in Appendix 1 and whether the manuscript has been drafted together with author's checklist, and then approve the receipt of the submitted manuscript.
  4. ④ The receipt date of a manuscript shall be the approval date of a manuscript submission.
  5. ⑤ Manuscript shall be submitted online, and in the case there is a co-author, all information related to the co-author (name, affiliated organization, etc.) shall be registered online before review; in principle, no information can be added or changed once the review has begun.
  6. ⑥ Manuscript requiring revision or supplementation of contents shall be rejected or non-publishable, if the author's reply and the manuscript are not sent within 1 month since the associate editor's overall review date.

Article 5 (Limitations of Liability and Copyright)

The author shall be responsible for the content of the manuscript and agree to transfer the copyright of the submitted manuscript to the Society.

Article 6 (Adoption of Manuscript)

The adoption of the manuscript shall be subject to the manuscript review regulations set separately.

Article 7 (Publication Fee)

  1. ① The author of the manuscript that has been reviewed and determined to be “published” by the editorial board shall pay the publication fee.
  2. ② Publication shall be deferred if the publication fee is not paid within the due date after the intimation has been sent to the main author. (amended 2016. 7. 21)
Publication fee 200,000 won (US$200)

Chapter 3 Guideline for Writing Manuscript

Article 8 (Manuscript Form)

  1. ① For manuscript manuscripts, A4 (210 mm × 297 mm) white manuscript shall be used, and document margins shall be 20mm from the top, 15mm from the bottom, 20mm from the left, 20mm from the right, 10mm from the header, 10mm from the footer, and 0mm from binding. Hangul (HWP) or MS-Word shall be used. However, it shall have 1 column from the title to keywords.
  2. ② Regarding font, Batangche shall be used for Hangul and Times New Roman for English.

Article 9 (Writing a Manuscript)

  1. ① Figures, tables, and captions shall be included in the body and must be written in English.
  2. ② The manuscript, for review purposes, shall be written in Korean or English using HWP or MS-Word, respectively. The title, author's name, and subject shall be written in both Korean and English. However, the affiliation shall be written in English only, and corresponding author(s) shall indicate the ORCID. English manuscripts shall be written in English only.
  3. ③ The authors names shall be written in order of first author, second author, third author, etc. The corresponding author shall be indicated with † and the first author with superscript with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3,…) in order of the authors.
  4. ④ For English, only the first letter of a sentence shall be capitalized, and the rest should be written in lowercase. However, exceptions shall apply to abbreviated or proper nouns.
  5. ⑤ For English names, first names shall be written first and then last names shall follow, but shall not be shortened (For example: Kil-Dong Lee).
  6. ⑥ The manuscript shall be prepared in the following order: introduction, main body, conclusion, authors’ contribution, references, and appendix. Abstracts (150-250 words) and keywords (about 5 words) shall be written in English after the abstract, and shall not include charts or citations. (amended 2019. 1. 10)
  7. ⑦ Arabic numerals shall be used for numbers and SI units shall be used for the unit of quantity in principle.
  8. ⑧ Numbers applicable to chapters shall be written in Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4) and numbers applicable to sections shall be written as 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2.
  9. ⑨ Numbers of figures, tables, and equations shall be serialized regardless of the chapter. The width of the figures and tables shall be edited to 70mm or 140mm. The title of the figure shall be written in English only at the bottom of the figure. In the case of single-line titles, it shall be centered; in the case of titles with more than two lines, it shall be aligned left. Figures shall be cited in the body as “Figure 1”. The title of the table shall be aligned left above the table and written only in English. Tables shall be cited in the body as “Table 1”. For equations, the number shall be displayed on the right and cited in the body as “Equation (1)” (For example: “Therefore, if Equation (2) is put into Equation (5)”).
  10. ⑩ References shall be in English only in the order of when the citation appears in the document and written as the examples shown below.
    1. 1. All authors of the references should be written [2].
    2. 2. Abbreviations should not be used for journal names [4].
    3. 3. If the reference is not in English, translate it into English and include the original (in Korean) at the end of the reference [2][6][10].
    4. 4. Author names should be separated by “and” for two authors. If there are more than three authors, separate them with commas and put “, and” before the last author [2][6].
    5. 5. The title of the manuscript should be enclosed in double quotation marks (“ ”). The first letter of the first word should be capitalized and all other words should be written in lowercase [4][6]. However, proper nouns and abbreviations should be capitalized.
    6. 6. In the case of describing book names [2], magazine names [4], and academic conference journal names [6], all words should begin with a capital letter. However, if the first word is a functional word (article, conjunction, preposition, etc.), it should begin with a capital letter, even if it is a functional word that typically begins with a lowercase letter.
    7. 7. When writing page numbers, if there are multiple pages, it should be indicated as “pp. 1-10” [4][8] and if only one page is cited, it should be indicated as “p. 1” [6].
      [1] J. H. Author, Name of Book, Edition (optional), City, Country (optional): Publisher, year (Basic format).
      [2] D.-A. Ahn, J.-H. Kim, Y.-J. Nam, H.-R. Park, and S.-G. Lee, Introduction to Information Retrieval, Seoul, Korea: Kyobo Book Center, 2010 (in Korean).
      [3] J. H. Author, “Name of manuscript,” Full Name of Journal, vol. x, no. x, pp. xxx-xxx, year. [Type of Medium]. Available: site/path/file (optional) (Basic format).
      [4] D. P. Shea and J. E. Mitchell, “A 10 Gb/s 1024-way split 100-km long reach optical access network,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 685-293, 2007.
      Conference Proceedings (published)
      [5] J. H. Author, “Name of manuscript,” Full name of Conference Proceedings, pp. xxx-xxx, year. [Type of Medium]. Available: site/path/file (optional) (Basic format).
      [6] D.-H. Kim, T.-H. Park, J.-Y. Heo, S.-H. Ryu, and S.-L. Kang, “Experimental study for the prevention of cavitation damage in the diesel fuel injection pumps,” Proceedings of the 36th KOSME Fall Conference, p. 61, 2011 (in Korean).
      Chapter in Books
      [7] Author of Chapter, “Name of chapter in books,”Name of Books, Editors of the book (Eds), Place of Publication: Publisher, year.
      [8] L. Stein, “Random patterns,” Computers and You, J. S. Brake, Ed. New York: Wiley, pp. 55-70, 1994.
      Theses (M.S.) and Dissertations (Ph.D)
      [9] J. H. Author, Title of Dissertations, Kind of Thesis/Dissertation, Name of Department, Name of University, Country, year.
      [10] J.-H. Kim, Lexical Disambiguation with Error-Driven Learning, Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Computer Science, Korea Advanced Institute for Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea, 1996 (in Korean).
      [11] J. H. Author, “Name of standards/patents,” Country, Number of Standards/Patent, Date.
      [12] G. Brandli and M. Dick, “Alternating current fed power supply,”U.S. Patent 4 084 217, Nov. 4, 1978.
      Technical Reports
      [13] J. H. Author, Name of Report, Number of Technical Report, Full name of Affiliation, Country, year. [Type of Medium]. Available: site/path/file (optional) (Basic format).
      [14] B. Santorini, Part-of-speech Tagging Guidelines for the Penn Treebank Project, Technical Report MS-CIS-90-47, Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania, 1990.
      Online Documents
      [15] J. H. Author (optional), Title of the Site, URL, Accessed Date. (Basic format).
      [16] IEEE Editorial Style Manual,, Accessed December 11, 2012.
  11. ⑪ Reference numbers cited in the body shall be written to the right of the citations as follows:
    Example 1) It is applied to ∼ [1].
    Example 2) It is applied to ∼ [2][3].
    Example 3) Kim et al. [10] is ∼
    Example 4) It is applied in references [1]-[3] [10].

Chapter 4 Submission of the Final Version of Manuscript and Order of Publication

Article 13 (Submission of Final Version of Manuscript)

  1. ① The final copy must be submitted within 3 months after the decision for publication has been notified to the author.
  2. ② For figures, tables, and photos of the final version, an original document must be submitted.
  3. ③ All authors must submit a completed consent form for the disclosure of information and the use of the author's property right in Appendix 2.
  4. ④ The manuscript scheduled for publication which has not met the aforementioned criteria shall be reserved for publication. (amended 2016. 7. 21)

Article 14 (Order of Manuscript Publication)

  1. ① The final version shall be published in the order of the final copy received after the manuscript passes the review for publication and the author is notified of the result.
  2. ② In the case of rapid communication, even if the order of publication does not correspond to the current issue, it can be published additionally in the issue with the approval of the editorial committee.

Article 15 (Issuance of the Journal)

The publication date of this journal shall be the end of February, April, June, August, October, and December.


  • This regulation shall be effective as of October 1, 1998.
  • This regulation shall be effective as of November 1, 2000.
  • This regulation shall be effective as of November 1, 2000.
  • This regulation shall be effective as of January 1, 2006.
  • This regulation shall be effective as of September 9, 2009. However, Article 1 shall be effective as of April 1, 2009.
  • This regulation shall be effective as of August 1, 2010.
  • This regulation shall be effective as of April 1, 2012.
  • This regulation shall be effective as of June 25, 2012.
  • This regulation shall be effective as of January 1, 2013.
  • This regulation shall be effective as of August 23, 2013.
  • This regulation shall be effective as of January 9, 2015.
  • This regulation shall be effective as of July 21, 2016.
  • This regulation shall be effective as of January 10, 2019.
  • This regulation shall be effective as of December 6, 2019.
  • This regulation shall be effective as of March 20, 2020.