Best Practices

1. Peer Review Process

Once manuscripts are submitted, all manuscripts are subject to 3 experts in the corresponding field as confidential(double-blind). The Editorial Board may request that authors revise the manuscripts in light of the reviewers' suggestions. The authors should upload the revised files with a reply to each item in the reviewers' comments after revision. The authors should complete revisions within 30 days after the request. If the authors would like to extend the revision period to more than 30 days, they should negotiate with the Editorial Board.

The peer review process usually takes six weeks after manuscript submission. Revisions are usually requested to take account of the reviewersโ€™ comments and critique. The Editorial Board will make a final decision on the approval for publication of the submitted manuscripts and can request any further corrections, revisions, and deletions of the article text if necessary. The corresponding author is notified as soon as possible of the editorโ€™s decision to accept, reject, or request revision of manuscripts. When the final revised manuscript is determined completely acceptable according to the JAMET format and criteria, it will be scheduled for publication in the following issue. Rejected papers will not be peer-reviewed again. The submitted manuscripts should not be under simultaneous consideration by any other journal.

2. Authorship

In order to be an author, all four criteria must be met, and all researchers who have met the four criteria must be stated as an author.

  1. 1. A person who has made a significant contribution to the subject or design of a study, to the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of research
  2. 2. A person who drafts or critically modifies important academic content
  3. 3. A person who finally approved the version to be published.
  4. 4. A person who agrees to be responsible for all aspects of the study so that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the study can be properly reviewed and resolved.

An author should be responsible for the research that the author has conducted and identify which parts of the study are responsible. In addition, the author should be confident of the integrity of the research on the contribution of the co-authors.

3. Ownership and Management

Information about the ownership: This journal is owned by the publisher, the Korean Society of Marine Engineering (KOSME,

Management team of the JAMET

  • - Journal Manager & Manager of the Review Process: HoKeun Kang, Korea Maritime & Ocean University
  • - Ethics Editor: Yeon-Won Lee, Pukyong National University
  • - Statistics Editor: Jun Kang, Korea Maritime & Ocean University
  • - Manuscript & Layout Editor: Kyung-Hun Lee, Korea Maritime & Ocean University
  • - Administrative Manager: Jiyun Goh, the Korean Society of Marine Engineering

4. Conflict of Interest

All authors must recognize and declare, to Editor-In-Chief, the possibility of financial and personal conflicts of interest with others or organizations that may have an inappropriate effect on their research results and interpretations. Examples of potential conflicts of interest include employment, consultation, paid advisory services, stock ownership, paid expert testimony, royalties, patent applications/registration, government subsidies or other funds and etc.

5. Governing body

The governing body is the journal's editorial board.

6. Editorial team and contact information

Editorial team is available from Editorial Board page.

Administrative Manager
Jiyun Goh
Editorial Office
The Korean Society of Marine Engineering (KOSME), Room 433, Bldg C1, 727 Taejong-ro, Yeongdo-gu, Busan 49112, Korea

7. Copyright and Licensing

  1. 1) Copyright policy: All published papers become the permanent property of the Korean Society of Marine Engineering (KOSME). Copyrights of all published materials are owned by the Korean Society of Marine Engineering (KOSME). Permission must be obtained from the Korean Society of Marine Engineering (KOSME) for any commercial use of materials. Every author should sign the copyright transfer agreement forms.
  2. 2) Licensing information: This is an open-access journal distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited for non-commercial purpose (

8. Archiving

It is accessible without barrier from Korea Citation Index (, National Library of Korea (, or National Assembly Library ( in the event a journal is no longer published.

9. Publication Charges

  1. 1) Evaluation Charge : The evaluation fee is free of charge.
  2. 2) Publication Charge : Manuscripts accepted for publication in JAMET will be charged a publication fee of โ‚ฉ200,000($200 in USD). Charges may be changed without notice by the board according to the circumstances of the society.

10. Process for the identification of and dealing with allegations of research misconduct

When the journal faces suspected cases of research and publication misconduct such as redundant (duplicate) publication, plagiarism, fraudulent or fabricated data, changes in authorship, an undisclosed conflict of interest, ethical problems with a submitted manuscript, a reviewer who has appropriated an authorโ€™s idea or data, complaints against editors, and so on, the resolution process will follow the code of Research Ethics. The discussion and decision on the suspected cases are carried out by the Editorial Board.

11. Publishing schedule

It is to be published at the end of every even months.

12. Revenue sources

Revenue sources of journal were from the support of publisher (the Korean Society of Marine Engineering), the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies(KOFST) grant funded by the Korean government.

13. Direct marketing

Journal propagation has been done through the journal web site and distribution of web-publication. Invitations to submit a manuscript are usually focused on the presenters at conferences, seminars, workshops, or the members of the Society (KOSME).