Automatic detection of similar questions from QA database using predicate-argument structures and answer sentences
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This work deals with duplicated questions in a Question and Answer (QA) database. A large volume of QA databases can be easily built from Community Question Answering (CQA) services. Questions and their corresponding answers collected from the Internet tend to be duplicated. In this work, we propose two approaches for detecting similar questions in a QA database. One is by using predicate-argument structures. Here, questions are converted to predicate-argument structures modified for an interrogative sentence. We can detect similar questions by comparing their predicate-argument structures. The other approach is to exploit answer sentences. When two questions with different predicate-argument structures have duplicated answers, these two predicate-argument structures are interchangeable in terms of detecting similar questions. We build the QA database on a computer technology domain, which consists of 6,319 QA pairs. We evaluate our module on this QA database, and obtain a 91.69 F1 accuracy in detecting sets of similar questions.
Question-and-answer, QA database, similar question, predicate argument structure, community question answering service1. Introduction
Research on question generation have been performed widely for educational purposes in recent years [1]. The automatic generation of a question is a task that has a very significant role in education by providing materials that allow practice and assessment [2].
One of the obstacles for English learners in improving speaking skills is the lack of exposure to real conversational English. When learners want to prepare for English interviews such as a job interview or a university admission interview, it would be helpful if a system can automatically provide the learners with interview-related questions. In this paper, we introduce a system whose main purpose is to help learners improve their English-speaking skills in an interview situation. The questions are generated by extracting them from Question-and- Answer (QA) databases with a specific domain knowledge.
In general, the process of automatic question generation is as follows: the first step is to decide what the question is about. Once the content to be asked is determined, the next step is to decide how to form a question. Most question generation systems share common techniques on the process of question formation [1]. A question is generated by transforming a declarative sentence into an interrogative one, or by filling a question template with information to be asked.
In this paper, we combine the two problems—what to ask and how to form a question—into a retrieval task from a questionanswer database. We adopt a retrieval-based approach [4], which is widely used in a short-text conversation (STC) research field, because this approach automatically generates the most suitable response to a user's utterance by retrieving it from the QA databases [3]. While a STC task should retrieve an answer from QA databases, our task should retrieve a question from QA databases.
A QA database consists of pairs of a question and the corresponding answer. A learner's prior answer  is compared with a set of answers in QA databases based on various similarity measurements. Then the answer A in the (Q-A) pair that is most similar to  is selected and the corresponding question Q can be given as a next question to a learner.
Owing to the fast growth of Community Question Answering (CQA) services, a large-scale question and answer databases can be easily collected. These databases are one of the most useful knowledge sources, and many applications are developed based on them. In this work, we exploit databases as a source for generating questions that are presented to a learner. Question-Answer pairs are prone to be duplicated because they are collected from multiple CQA services. Table 1 shows examples of similar question-answer pairs. They look different from each other though they are the same questions. Therefore, the same (or similar) questions should be detected in advance in order to avoid giving the same question to a learner redundantly.
In this paper, we introduce two approaches for detecting similar questions. One is using predicate-argument structures of questions. A dependency tree of a question is converted into a predicateargument structure (PAS) that is adjusted for an interrogative sentence. By comparing predicate-argument structures of questions, we can identify if they are similar or not. The second approach is to adopt a “similar-question pattern.” Two questions with different predicate-argument structures can be considered similar when they have duplicated answers. We define these two different predicateargument structures as ‘similar-question pattern’ in this work. We can decide that two questions are similar when their PASs have the same similar-question pattern.
In Chapter 2, the related study is reviewed and our approaches to finding similar questions are presented in Chapter 3. Experimental results are described in Chapter 4, and final remarks are made in Chapter 5.
2. Related Work
Generally speaking, similarity of sentences including questions can be determined in three aspects: words, syntactic structures, and semantic topics.
The basic idea of measuring similarity using words is based on the bag of words (BoW) concept. A question consisting of words can be represented by the sum of the meaning of the words. The most popular approach is a vector space model that adopts term frequency (TF) and inverse document frequency (IDF) [5][6]. Several distance measurements between two vectors, such as Manhattan distance, Euclidean distance, cosine normalized dot product, Jaccard similarity coefficient, dice measurement, and Jenson-Shannon divergence have been proposed [7]. This approach overlooks the importance of word sense, word order and syntactic information [8].
Syntactic parsers are adopted in order to calculate similarity between questions. Questions are analyzed into a syntactic parses and similarity calculation are measured on these parse trees [9]. These approaches are vulnerable to parser’s incompleteness.
Cao et al., suggest a question topic and a question focus to find similar question pairs [10]. A question topic usually means the major domain of a question that reflects users’ interests. In contrast, a question focus indicates certain features of the question topic. They adopt MDL-based (Minimum Description Length) tree cut model for automatically identifying question topic and question focus. MDL is a principle of data compression and statistical estimation from information theory.
3. Automatic Detection of Similar Questions
Figure 1 shows the overall system architecture. The system asks a learner a question taking his/her previous response into account. A question is retrieved from QA database, and it should be deliberately excluded if a similar question is already presented to a learner. Therefore, we preprocess duplicated questions beforehand when building a QA database. In Figure 1, ‘Question Filter-I’ is a module that can detect duplicated questions in a QA database. We focus on ‘Question Filter-I’ in this paper. The other topics will be given in a successive paper in preparation.
3.1 Detection of Similar Questions using Predicate-Argument Structures
A large collection of question-answer pairs can be easily built from Community Question Answering (CQA) services such as Yahoo! Answers (, WikiAnswer (, and Naver KnowledgeiN ( The CQA service has become one of the most useful sources for easy acquisition of knowledge and information on a wide range of topics.
When a large size of question-answer pairs is built from several CQA services, the collected question-answer pairs tend to be duplicated [11]. In many applications, repetition of duplicated question-answer pairs makes processes difficult, thus it is helpful to group them by the same question topics. If two questions are not identical in their surface strings, but their topics are the same, the two questions are said to be 'similar' in this work. The object of this work is to find sets of similar questions from a QA database. To find similar question-answer pairs more accurately, we transform them into canonical forms, one of which is a predicate-argument structure.
The following procedure is for converting questions to predicate-argument structures.
(1) Analyze question sentences syntactically and output dependency trees.
(2) Analyze answer sentences syntactically and output dependency trees.
(3) Convert the result of (1) into predicate-argument structures.
(4) Extract topic words from the result of (2).
We use the Stanford parser [12] to parse question and answer sentences. A parser's output, a dependency tree, is converted into a predicate-argument structure (PAS) by using the transformation rules [13]. The format of predicate-argument structure we use in this work is as follows:
Table 2 is a resultant dependency tree for the input sentence ‘How the locks can be classified?’. As the main verb of the sentence is ‘classify’ and the interrogative ‘how’ is an adjunctive argument of the main verb, ‘how’ is not included in a predicateargument structure. As a predicate-argument structure focuses on both a subject and an object of a main predicate in a sentence, an adjunctive word such as an adverb is generally not included in PAS. However, interrogative words such ‘what’, ‘how’, and ‘why’ play an important role in a question sentence even though their syntactic roles are adjunctive. Therefore, we modify a basic predicate-argument structure in order to include an interrogative word into it.
We convert a syntactic dependency tree for a question into a predicate-argument structure (PAS) by the following basic rules. In a dependency tree, a root (verb) node becomes a main predicate ‘PREDICATE’, and the nodes connected to the root by the relations 'subj' and 'obj' become [SUBJ] and [OBJ], respectively. Apart from these basic rules, additional rules are necessary for retaining question-related information in a PAS. The followings are the additional processes on PAS:
(1) Chunk multi-word interrogative expressions into a node:
ex) How many types of operator support?
⇒ [how_many(type_of_opetator)]-support-[]
(2) Includes an interrogative adjective that modify a main subject or object:
ex) Which class acts as a base class for all arrays in C#?
⇒ [which(class)]-act-[]
(3) Convert a passive form into an active form:
- change relation 'nsubjpass' into 'OBJ'
- change relation 'nmod:agent' into 'SUBJ'
- change the tense of a main VERB from 'VBN' to 'VB'
ex) How the locks can be classified? ⇒ []-classify-[lock]
ex) Which query language is used by Neo4J?
⇒ [Neo4J]-use-[which(query_language)]
(4) Include an adjunctive interrogative word in the 4th additional slot of PAS
ex) How the locks can be classified? ⇒ [_]-classify-[lock]-how
(5) When a subject (or an object) contains the property of a topic word, represent it as 'property(topic)'
ex) What are the advantages of using SVG?
⇒ [advantage(using)]-what-[]
property: ('purpose', 'difference', 'use', 'type', 'advantage', 'usage', 'feature', 'class', 'pattern', 'function', 'method', 'component', 'object', 'variable', 'value', 'benefit', 'disadvantage', 'role', 'scope', 'property', 'importance')
(6) Process a few of exceptions:
ex) 'you/we_mean_by': What do you mean by synchronicity?
⇒ [synchronicity]-mean-[what]
What command is used to rename the database?
⇒ [what(command)]-rename-[database]
(7) Replace all topic words with 'TOPIC' and all pronouns with None:
ex) How the locks can be classified? ⇒ []-classify-[lock]-how
⇒ []-classify-[TOPIC]-how
ex) When you will face SQLCODE-911?
⇒ [you]-face-[TOPIC]-when ⇒ []-face-[TOPIC]-when
Table 3 shows examples of questions and their corresponding predicate-argument structures.
The following two questions have the same PAS, hence they are similar questions.
ex) How the locks can be classified? ⇒ []-classify-[lock]-how
How can you classify the locks? ⇒ []-classify-[lock]-how
However, the following questions are similar though their PASs are different. Therefore, we need to define interchangeable predicate-argument structures considering an interrogative sentence. The following section deals with these cases.
ex) What do you mean by program reentrance?
⇒ [program_reentrance]-mean-[what]
What is program reentrance? ⇒ [program_reentrance]-
ex) What is the purpose of using PL/SQL?
⇒ [purpose(TOPIC)]-what-[]
What is the advantage of using PL/SQL?
⇒ [advantage(TOPIC)]-what-[]
3.2 Detection of Similar Questions using Answer Sentences
Even though predicate-argument structures of questions are different from each other, their answers can be duplicated then in this case two questions are similar. Questions with different predicate-argument structures but with the same (or duplicated) answers are grouped into a cluster. Their PASs are different, however they are regarded as the same one. In this work, we define those PASs as 'similar-question pattern'. Table 6 displays examples of similar-question patterns. We create 13 similarquestion patterns containing 45 predicate-argument structures.
In this paper, we consider two question-answer (Q, A) and (Q', A') to be similar when the following two conditions are met simultaneously.
Condition 1: PAS(Q) == PAS(Q') or PAS(Q) and PAS(Q') are in the same similar-question pattern
Condition 2: TOPIC(Q) == TOPIC(Q') or Jaccard coefficient (TOPIC(A), TOPIC(A')) > threshold
4. Experimental Results
4.1 QA database of the computer technology domain
We build a QA database using the computer technology domain from the four CQA sites. Computer technology is one of the largest domains where we can collect QA pairs from the Internet. The four CQA sites are the followings:
The collected question-answer pairs are classified into 6 subdomains. Table 4 depicts the number of the QA pairs we collected in this work. The total number of the QA pairs is 6,319. Table 5 shows the examples of the QA pairs. The average number of sentences in questions and answers are 1.04 and 2.25, respectively. The average numbers of words in questions and answers are 9.13 and 15.99, respectively.
4.2 Evaluation of Detecting Sets of Similar Questions
The overall questions and answers in the database are analyzed syntactically first, and then their resultant dependency trees are converted into predicate-argument structures. For each question (Q, A) we find sets of similar questions that meet the two conditions described in Section 3.2. In this experiment, the threshold value in Condition 2 is set to 0.7.
Table 6 shows the examples of the sets of similar questions identified in this work.
The sets (1)–(9) are correctly detected as similar questions. The result (10) can be sets of similar questions from a learner’s point of view because learners generally learn all the questions in set (10) at once. The questions in set (11) deal with the same topic though they ask about different languages.
Sets (12)~{(15) are detected incorrectly as similar questions. The predicate-argument structures of the two questions in set (12) are the same because the modifying phrase '(without) using recursion' is not included in the PAS. Therefore, it is incorrectly detected as a similar question set. The two questions in set (13) are not similar, however they are identified to be similar in this work. Their answers are overlapped a lot because they are programming source codes that contain a finite set of reserved programming keywords. In the case of set (14), the two different questions are detected to be similar because their PASs are the same and ‘read only’ and ‘idempotent’ are missing in their topic words. The two questions in set (15) have the same PAS, because their dependency trees are incorrectly analyzed by the parser. The words ‘tell’ and ‘join’ do not modify ‘function’, instead they are clausal complements of the main verb ‘explain’.
For evaluation, we build reference sets of similar questions manually, in which the total number of sets of similar questions is 191, and the QA pairs in these sets are 449.All sets of similar questions are mutually exclusive. Table 7 shows the evaluation results.
Model 1 using both PAS, similar-question patterns and answer sentences can detect 182 similar question sets and 260 questions in these sets.
It has a 91.69 F1 accuracy. Model 3, which looks up only answer sentences to identify similar questions, has the lowest accuracy. The largest part of incorrectly detected sets in Model 3 has answer sentences on how to use a specific command with the same pattern.
5. Conclusion
In this work, we detected sets of similar questions in a QA database. Owing to the proliferation of Community Question Answering (CQA) services, it is easy to build a large size of QA databases from them. QA pairs collected from multiple knowledge sources are prone to duplication. Therefore, similar questions should be grouped together when we build a QA database. We used a predicate-argument structures of questions and their corresponding answers to detect similar questions. We also proposed similar-question patterns that are interchangeable predicate-argument structures in terms of their detection of similar questions. We evaluated our module on the QA database consisting of 6,319 QA pairs, and obtained a 91.69 F1 accuracy in detecting sets of similar questions.
This work was supported by research fund of Chungnam National University.
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